If you know me you know that I’m a huge Apple fan. I first experienced Apple as an Elementary student with the Apple ][ computer. I walked away from Apple in college and since found my way back thanks to iPod touch. I now have many of their products but that is not what this post is really about. January 24th 2014 was the 30th anniversary of the unveiling of Apple Macintosh and it was also a very sad day. That day was the day we lost Jodi’s grandma Geraldine Zabel. I only knew her for something like 16 years but that day it felt like it wasn’t enough time. She had cancer and had decided not to seek treatment. It was her time to go she said and had lived a full life. As hard as it was to let her go, we understood. “Punky” as some knew her, was a happy person in general but don’t get in her bad side. Upon meeting her and Jodi’s mom, I said “it’s the same person at 3 points in life” and you could definitely see the family resemblance between these 3 ladies. She always was happy for a visit from her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. Those of us who knew her miss her every day. We are glad she’s keeping an eye on us from heaven and can’t wait to see her again some day. So it was a happy day for some and a sad day for others and yet we know that day was the happiest she has ever been to finally be forever in the presence of her Lord.
